Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dr Nagaraju on Practical Aspects of Sanatana Dharma

Following 2 part video is the interactive session done at RC College Auditorium, Bangalore with Dr. Nagaraju Sharma on "Practical Aspects of Sanatana Dharma"



Speaker Profile:

Dr. Nagaraju Sharma received his PhD in Sanskrit from Mysore University in the year 1991. His doctoral thesis was on "Shankaracharya's writing's critical studies". He has been given many public talks on topics covering Sanatana Dharma - including Vedas, Upanishads, epics and Puranas; Guru Parampara, Tiruppavai and other topics in Karnataka and other parts of India. His focus has always been on deciphering the inner meaning of ancient Indian wisdom. For his deep knowledge of Vedas he has been honored with titles like Veda Seva Bhushana, Vedanta Ratna and Veda Shri. He had worked for close to 35 years in the Tekephone industry at ITI. Apart from this he has also held other positions of responsibility, he was the Scouts and Guides' Assistant District Scout Commissioner and a member of Saint John's Ambulance Brigade. He has also accomplished the very difficult journeys to Tirupati, Sringeri and Nanjangudu on foot as a senior citizen.

About Jijnasa:

The literal meaning of the word Jijnasa in Sanskrit is Inquiry. Jijnasa is a platform under the aegis of CESS, which is an effort to promote the quest for knowledge.

It is hard to obtain the company of the noble.
It is easy to obtain the company of the ignoble.
Pebbles are available in plenty; but it is hard to obtain the precious diamond.

India is not just a nation state but a civilization state. A civilization that prides itself for the spirit of inquiry, and is not based on a contrived belief system or historicity. A civilization that is firmly rooted in Dharma. A civilization that has much to offer and inspire the world.

However, our ignorance about ourselves is profound. It is therefore Jijnasa’s desire to invoke the spirit of inquiry, which can set people on the journey of self discovery. Its aim is to provoke and equip people to see things beyond the limited mainstream discourse on issues of national importance and seek solutions to contemporary issues facing the country.

It is important to understand ourselves before we can understand the issues around us. Enlightened individuals make for an assertive society, which has the womb to carry traditions along with modernity. Jijnasa’s attempt is to make fellow travelers discover the heterogeneity of the Indian traditions yet the cohesiveness that has stood us in good stead for several thousand years. At the core of Jijnasa, is the desire to build an innate ability to see the world from an exalted position, which is so essential for a country aspiring to play center stage in world affairs. 

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